Trustee Profile

Sheila White

Sheila White is retired, having worked in planning, budgeting, data management and administrative roles in the private and public sectors. A resident of Braughing since 2012, she has been a regular user of Ward Freman Pool since. For over 30 years she has been a volunteer as chair, secretary, treasurer and committee member for a number of different groups from PTAs to local history groups. She has over a decade of experience as a trustee of Herts Association for Local History, is chair of Braughing Local History Society and a long-standing volunteer at Herts Archives.

As a mature swimmer at Ward Freman Pool, she is very much aware of the benefits of swimming and gentle water exercise to those unable to participate in impact sports through disability, injury or poor health. She is committed to bringing the pool back into public use for every section of society and ensuring its long term viability as the local, accessible pool for Buntingford and surrounding villages.

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