Trustee Profile

Linda Roberts

Linda Roberts (63) has lived in Puckeridge for the last 32 years. As a qualified Accountant FCMA,  she has worked in the civil & structural engineering business for the past 30 years. She currently is the Chief Operating Officer at RSBG UK after a 3 year stint as CFO. She specialises in mergers and acquisitions of businesses for the Group and Legal & Risk operations. Although currently time limited, she is hoping to move to a part time consultancy role in the next couple of years.

In her spare time, Linda enjoys keeping fit and aqua aerobics and was a regular attendee at the Ward Freman Pool. Linda’s children also swam for Buntingford Swimming Club and used the facilities on a regular basis until they moved away from the area.

Linda enjoyed both the fitness and the social aspects of Aqua Aerobics at Ward Freman Pool and is keen to save a multi-generational use asset for the community.

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