Ward Freman Community Pool Group CIO

A foundation model charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) has been chosen by the action group as the best type of charity initially to start to get the pool operational again.
The public of Buntingford and surrounding villages were invited to complete a community questionnaire, which included offers to be trustees of the group.  47 people volunteered to be a trustee. Information was sent to all those interested on what it means to be a trustee, along with other conditions which have to be fulfilled. Eight people were then chosen to be Founding Trustees.

The constitution was created and submitted to the Charity Commission on 15th March 2024. Following requested amendments by the Charity Commission the Ward Freman Community Pool Group CIO was entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1207746 on 5th April 2024.

Founding Trustees

Support Group

Fundraising Heroes

Louise Hampton – Initial Go Fund Me Donations

Sarah Hopewell – London Marathon  – April 2024

Victoria Burt – Dance the Decades Fundraiser – April 2024

Helen Betley – Marathon open water swim – July 2024

Attend2Health – Car Balloon Donations – September 2024

Mark & Sharon Lewis – David Lewis Memorial Golf Day -September 2024

Along with our Trustees with have a larger support group of individuals working hard to get the pool open.

Matt Coote  – Grants Coordinator & Trustees Assistant

Sara Matthews – Lifeguard Advisor

Communications Team
Louise Hampton – Facebook & Website Advisor
Candy Keane – Newsletter
Louise King – Instagram Editor
Spencer O’Neill – Website Administrator
Georgina Schwan – Communications Designer

Community Engagement Team
Suzanne Birmingham (From East Herts Radio)
Eloisa Brook
Vicki Burt
Jane Greening
Louise Hampton
Georgina Schwan
Lucy Willett
Elaine Wyld

Proof Readers 
Sue Coote
Kerry Fairey
John Kilby

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