Ward Freman Pool time-line
The story so far....
Bag Sales
Jean Cook and Gill Alderton sold our famous “Shop Local, Swim Local” bags to the U3A groups, Buntingford Adult Learning for Fun and Buntingford Community Choir, raising £345.
Trustees and volunteers spent Christmas Eve in the Co-op foyer. £964.52 raised in donations and selling our Shop Local, Swim Local bags.
Local Business Support
14 local businesses answer Sara Poulton and Georgina Schwan call to support the production of a ‘Shop Local, Swim Local’ shopping bag. Every bag we sell raises £5 for the charity.
With the Buckland & Chipping Harvest Fayre being the last pre loved book sale event this summer, with have subscribed 739 people to our e-newsletter and raised a total of £460.
The Herts and Essex County Fair hosted our community engagement stall raising £92 from pre loved books sales. With patrons from a larger geographical area there weren’t many new subscribers to our newsletter.
Community Engagement
Trustees enjoyed an afternoon at Aspenden village fete raising £170 from pre loved book sales and updating the community on our progress.
Helen Betley is the first person to swim Butterfly around the island of Jersey in a time of 11 hours and 39minutes also raising £4030 for our cause.
Community Engagement
Trustees and volunteers had a weekend spreading the word of the charity, signing up new supporters to and selling pre loved books raising £197, at Braughing Wheelbarrow Race and Anstey Fair.
Community Ownership Fund Uncertainty
With a new Labour Government settling in, the final round of Community Ownership Funding has not continued, but Labour report they are keen to support communities.
We await further updates………
New Plans
Local Architectural firm G2 donated their time and services to produce some fabulous new plans, for a whole new look dry side experience. Community engagement resulted in 90 comments for us to refine the design.
General Election postpones Community Ownership Fund applications
With a general election being called on 4th July 2024 all government activity ceases. This means we cannot submit our application for a Community Ownership Fund (COF) grant on 31st May 2024.
Community Engagement
Trustees and volunteers attended Barkway Market to inform the community of our plans. 125 new people signed up to stay informed of our progress by optioning to receive our e-newsletter.
Community Ownership Fund
A Community Ownership Fund expression of interest successfully submitted and eligibility of funding confirmed.
Councils Meeting
Trustees met with members of Hertfordshire County Council and East Herts District Council to discuss our business plan and next steps in trying to secure the lease of the Ward Freman Pool.
Charity Application Submitted
Ward Freman Community Pool Group Charitable Incorporated Organisation application submitted to the Charity Commission
We Are Not Alone
There are many community owned pools thriving throughout the UK, several coming back from a worse state of repair than Ward Freman. They have done it, so can we!
Community Questionnaire
Questionnaire launched to gather the community views about the pool’s future. 650 responses within the first three weeks.
A future plan
A meeting of officers at County and District councils concluded that if a community group wished to take on the facility, in principle this would be agreed, pending a viable business plan.
Petition to keep the pool open
A petition with over 1200 signatures was presented at a full District Council meeting. It did not result in a change of position from East Herts District council.
Community Action
Eleven pool users met at the Buntingford Scout Hut along with district councillors, to find out more about the issues, see what the options were, and start developing a plan to save our pool.
Fundraising Starts
Local resident Louise Hampton started a ‘Go Fund Me’ fundraising page. £890 was donated by the community in the first month.
Cost of the Problem
Residents raised concern at the news of pool closure. Problems with the filtration system, tiles and other issues with the pool would cost £543,000 to repair. Collectively the councils were not in a position to fund these repairs. Costs could spiral as the pool would need to be drained to find out why tiles were lifting which risked the sides collapsing.
Cost of the Problem
Residents raised concern at the news of pool closure. Problems with the filtration system, tiles and other issues with the pool would cost £543,000 to repair. Collectively the councils were not in a position to fund these repairs. Costs could spiral as the pool would need to be drained to find out why tiles were lifting which risked the sides collapsing.
Notification to Close
Pool users, Buntingford Swimming Club and local pool staff informed the pool will be closing 23rd December 2023 due to health and safety concerns, whilst future options were explored.
Freman College Academy
Freman College becomes an academy with Hertfordshire County Council retaining ownership of the Ward Freman Pool. Agreement still remains that the pool is for school use 9am – 5.30pm term time. The 40/60 split between County and District also remained in place.
What's in a Name?
Ward Freman School changes its name to Freman College, felt to more accurately reflect the age range and expectations of the students. However the pool name remains unchanged.
Joint Agreement
A joint agreement was signed between Hertfordshire County Council (the
building owners), and East Herts District Council, outlining the use of the pool. It was specified that the pool was for school use only between 9am and 5.30pm Monday-Friday term time. The remaining time the pool was available to the public. Responsibility for costs of maintaining the pool were to be funded 40% County Council, and
60% East Herts District Council.
Joint Agreement
A joint agreement was signed between Hertfordshire County Council (the
building owners), and East Herts District Council, outlining the use of the pool. It was specified that the pool was for school use only between 9am and 5.30pm Monday-Friday term time. The remaining time the pool was available to the public. Responsibility for costs of maintaining the pool were to be funded 40% County Council, and
60% East Herts District Council.
Pool Opens
Ward Freman pool was built as part of the Ward Freman School which opened in 1970. Named in honour of Elizabeth Freman, the first recorded benefactor of Buntingford Grammar School in 1633 (and built on land belonging to the Freman family), and Seth Ward Bishop of Salisbury (1667-1689) a student and later benefactor of the Grammar School too.
Pool Opens
Ward Freman pool was built as part of the Ward Freman School which opened in 1970. Named in honour of Elizabeth Freman, the first recorded benefactor of Buntingford Grammar School in 1633 (and built on land belonging to the Freman family), and Seth Ward Bishop of Salisbury (1667-1689) a student and later benefactor of the Grammar School too.