The Ward Freman Community Pool Group CIO is now a registered charity, number 1207746. The charitable object as stated in our constitution is to promote for the benefit of the public at large, in particular but not exclusively those living in Hertfordshire and the surrounding areas, the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving the condition of life of the said inhabitant.

That’s a bit waffley but we didn’t want to limit ourselves to just providing a swimming pool. We hope that in the future we can provide other leisure facilities (maybe a gym or studio space) and as such our charitable purpose comes under section 5 of the Charities Act 2011 which replaced the Recreational Charities Act 1958 and so there is a requirement for the appropriate wording of our charitable objects.
Essentially our charity is looking to repair and reopen the Ward Freman swimming pool for the physical, mental, social and environmental benefit of residents and visitors to Buntingford and surrounding villages. We aspire to improve the condition and range of facilities that the community can access.

Being a registered charity enables us to apply for grants and funding that is unavailable to businesses and local authorities.