Today is one year since the Ward Freman pool closed. From the outside of the building you may not think much has occurred in the past year, the pool is still closed.  Click here to read the newsletter to find out the progress we have made.
Primarily as a charity we have commissioned our own structural survey to confirm that the broken pool tiles are an age related issue due to failed expansion joints and not due to subsidence. The pool was drained in April and it is still standing securely. Essentially this means that the hole in the ground and the building surrounding it are sound and worth investing in making the pool part of our community for at least another 50 years.

The capital funding plan to refurbish the pool has changed due to the government stopping the Community Ownership Fund, so it’s going to take us a little longer to raise the necessary funds and we are looking to open the pool primarily with just the essential work completed and over the coming years refurbish the changing rooms, dry side and the rest of the building.

Thus fundraising still goes on and we would be grateful if you could support any of these upcoming events. Full details are in the attached newsletter.

Christmas Eve – Buy a ‘Shop local, Swim local’ shopping bag at the Coop

December 29th – Buntingford 10, Support the runners and the pool by buying a refreshment at Freman College.   
January 4th – Buntingford Film club showing Jaws and raising money for the pool

January 18th  – Family Race night at Seth Ward Community Centre

February 1st – Quiz night in Braughing

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and lets hope we can get the pool open in 2025,